Saturday, 12 November 2011

Suggestions of Movements

                In the previous blog I postulated that this is the first time in my life time where there wasn’t an identifiable movement or emphasis or fad in Christendom. A number of people commented on this. (Thank you by the way) Because some commented on Facebook and others commented at the end of the blog, I thought it would be helpful to pull what other people thought might be the identifiable movement that is going on now.

Some commented that there was:
·         A return to tradition liturgy
·         An emphasis on being missional
·         A focus on spiritual formation – especially coming from the church fathers
·         No movement because God was done with movements and it is about "a long obedience in the same direction". (Two people indicated this)
·         A movement towards prayer
·         A craving for information in books and podcasts
·         A grappling with God and science.

I believe that there is truth in all of these. But maybe that just underlines the point, that there is no identifiable movement or emphasis. Or maybe there are so many emphasis that common one is no longer identifiable. Whatever is going on, I think it is fair to say that things have changed in the last five years.

       I think that this affects the way we do church – at least if we are part of a church that is affected by the latest emphasis. Maybe God is saying, “It is your turn to figure out what I want to do in the church that you are in.”

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Spiritual History and the Unique Present

November 9th, 2011

                I want to take you on a brief history of my spiritual history, and the spiritual history of the church in North America. I think that this really speaks to something unique that is happening right now.

                I was born in 1962. By the time I was 10 years old the Charismatic movement was well on its way. People got on board with it, or reacted against it. But there is no question that the movement affected the entire Church. I grew up in the  middle of it. My parents were involved with people who were walking in this  movement of the Spirit. There was a lot of flakiness that surrounded the movement, but I have no question but that much of it was a genuine move of God.

                The movement itself started to fade in the early 1980’s. Some of it got entrenched in churches. But the movement  itself seemed over.

 On the heels of that movement, came on that emphasised Spiritual Warfare and deliverance. It seemed that in the late 80’s early 90’s everyone was talking about that.

                As that movement was fading in the early 1990’s  a revival in worship took place. Worship was being rediscovered. Worship wars were fought in church. But this focus on worship changed the face of the church. Very few parts of the church have been left untouched by it.

                About this same time in the early 1990’s the Promise Keeper movement rose up. It only lasted as a movement for a very short time. The early 1990’s saw the establishment of the mega church movement. Some of this was a move of God – some of it was the know how to leverage structural changes in the church. The 1990’s also saw the Airport Church come to prominence. Love it or hated it, it was a major fixture on the church landscape.

                The worship movement continued into the new millennium, but after making its mark, it started to fade. Or maybe it just became established. The Promise Keepers,  and the Airport Church movement also faded. Around this time a new movement sprung up called the city transformation movement. This movement spread around the world but seemed to stall in the middle of the decade.

                What interests me about these 40 years of the Spirit of God at work. For some of these thing, they became cultural fads rather than a movement of God. What interests me about this is, Now for the first time in my life, there seems to be no big move of God or any real Movement in the North American church.  It is as if things have gone silent.

                There is somewhat of a movement for social justice. But that does not he force to take us deeper into the heart of God – because so much of the social justice movement is done apart from God. There are movements in church structures, like the multi-site movement – but this may be more a leadership thing than a God thing. (Not that the two are mutually exclusive.)

                I can point to people and places where God seems to be at work. But they seem to more like stars in the sky, rather than the sun burning bright. It is as if we have entered a gray period in church life. I am hoping that this is not the beginning of 40 years in the wilderness. I am hoping rather that this is the time of waiting between the ascension and Pentecost.  

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

The word of the day is "Humility"

Again in an attempt to hear from God corporately, we need to give attention to people who are gifted to see and hear what God is pronouncing in the heavenlies. The way I believe thing usually work, is that things are spoken into reality in the heavenly realms, and then as we follow God we see them coming to pass in our daily lives. This is what I believe is happening in the following message. Revelation like the following does not carry with it the same authority as scripture, because we all see through a glass darkly. But it does carry with it both the ring of truth, and real insight into the heart of the God we do see in scripture. I will entitle this message from a person in Sunnyside

Come to me

God is desirous to give us everything we ask for when we ask in His name according to His word.  We need to take Him at His word.  No fences, no give a little here but don't touch that God.  He wants all of us and wants us to come to Him in complete surrender, truth and humility and then wow, wow, wow.....what He is going to do is amazing.   He can fix our mistakes.  He can work with us no matter what.  There is no room for shame here.  His call is to come, come now!!!  He is not surprised by anything.  "Come!  Come now My children.  My plans are great," says the Lord.  "I will give you the desires of your heart.

Come and be clean and watch Me do amazing, wondrous, unfathomable things.  I am who I say I am.  I am the same God you have read about in the Bible.  Come!   I have a plan.  Come My sweet children and see the enemy defeated in your lives and in the lives of others.  I love you!  Come to Me completely and fully. 

Come.  Do not be afraid.  In My presence you are safe.  There is no condemnation.  I want to make you clean and help you live holy lives.  I have a plan.  You are who I say you are.  Do not listen to the lies and suggestions of the evil one.  He does not want you free because he knows that when you are free you will walk in power and in might; you will shine and speak of Me and great things will happen.  Come My children.  I am here for you.  I do not lie.  I will do everything I have said I will do.  Just come!  I love you.   There is no fear or shame.  There is acceptance, a place to come and be washed and clothed in beautiful, clean garments.  There are shoes for your feet.  There is food for you to eat and be satisfied.  Be fed, cleansed and renewed in My word and in My presence.  I do not lie.  I love you.  I accept you.  I will forgive, heal, help, restore, guide and provide.  Trust Me My children.  Trust Me.  I am the Lord.  I am Your Father.   I love you.  Come.  I am waiting expectantly, hopefully and lovingly,  Daddy God."

If this resonates with your heart, then pray it back to God, saying to God, I receive this for me and for our church.



Thursday, 29 September 2011

Hearing from God

As a pastor, I have many people come to me and saying - this is what I feel like God is saying to me. At Sunnyside we recognize that "we see through a glass darkly" -- yet we also realize that God still speaks to his people. 

As a pastor, when someone comes to me with a message from God, I have to ask the question - is this for me or is this for the church. If the message is for the church, then the question is, how do I communicate that. 

I have decided to start a blog to be able to communicate those messages which have that ring of truth about them. I am going to withhold the names of the people who submit these. All I will say is that these people love Jesus - and they are bringing a message that I believe comes without an agenda. These messages resonate with me as having truth in them.

So having said that - Here is the first message I would like you to consider. I will entitle this

A Call to live together

"I want My people to live like every conversation is their last with the people they speak with.  What I mean by that harbouring unforgiveness or bitterness.  Be kind with one another, patient and understanding.

So no-one gets in a ditch and misinterprets Me, I am not saying not to have boundaries.  I am saying deal with things.  Don't let things fester or they will create a huge infection.  Be free My children and enjoy Me.  Stop acting like sinful, selfish, "wanting a pound of flesh", vindictive, bitter children.

I have forgiven and done so much for you.  Stop acting like babies and get to work....My work.  Do not get hung up on the little things for the little foxes will spoil the vines." (When God said this I saw the church (not Sunnyside just to clarify) but a building that represented the whole church and I saw under the ground the little foxes like little termites working away at the foundation and then the church tumbled. God showed me that the little foxes are offense and little or secret sins (like you referenced on Sunday about being on the line.)

God continued

"Flee from what you call little or secret sins.  Seek Me and My face. 

Stay far from offense.  As far as it is possible with you, live at peace with your brothers and sisters in Me.  Ask yourself "Who are my brothers and sisters?",  "Who are my neighbours?" 

Do not be wise in your own eyes.  Turn your face fully to Me.  No shadows.  Stay connected to Me.  I will do more than you could ever ask or imagine.

Love you,

Daddy God"

I think this is a message worth hearing


Five Postures for Transition

 Sunnyside is in the middle of transition as it looks for a new senior pastor. Transitions can be an adventure full of opportunities and po...