Thursday, 29 September 2011

Hearing from God

As a pastor, I have many people come to me and saying - this is what I feel like God is saying to me. At Sunnyside we recognize that "we see through a glass darkly" -- yet we also realize that God still speaks to his people. 

As a pastor, when someone comes to me with a message from God, I have to ask the question - is this for me or is this for the church. If the message is for the church, then the question is, how do I communicate that. 

I have decided to start a blog to be able to communicate those messages which have that ring of truth about them. I am going to withhold the names of the people who submit these. All I will say is that these people love Jesus - and they are bringing a message that I believe comes without an agenda. These messages resonate with me as having truth in them.

So having said that - Here is the first message I would like you to consider. I will entitle this

A Call to live together

"I want My people to live like every conversation is their last with the people they speak with.  What I mean by that harbouring unforgiveness or bitterness.  Be kind with one another, patient and understanding.

So no-one gets in a ditch and misinterprets Me, I am not saying not to have boundaries.  I am saying deal with things.  Don't let things fester or they will create a huge infection.  Be free My children and enjoy Me.  Stop acting like sinful, selfish, "wanting a pound of flesh", vindictive, bitter children.

I have forgiven and done so much for you.  Stop acting like babies and get to work....My work.  Do not get hung up on the little things for the little foxes will spoil the vines." (When God said this I saw the church (not Sunnyside just to clarify) but a building that represented the whole church and I saw under the ground the little foxes like little termites working away at the foundation and then the church tumbled. God showed me that the little foxes are offense and little or secret sins (like you referenced on Sunday about being on the line.)

God continued

"Flee from what you call little or secret sins.  Seek Me and My face. 

Stay far from offense.  As far as it is possible with you, live at peace with your brothers and sisters in Me.  Ask yourself "Who are my brothers and sisters?",  "Who are my neighbours?" 

Do not be wise in your own eyes.  Turn your face fully to Me.  No shadows.  Stay connected to Me.  I will do more than you could ever ask or imagine.

Love you,

Daddy God"

I think this is a message worth hearing


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